Five years later, four Christian universities win against contraceptive mandate


The Obama administration may be a thing of the past, but its contraceptive mandate continues to oppress those with pro-life religious and moral convictions. Institutions which have a religious opposition to providing forms of contraception — notably those forms which can act as abortifacients — are still just now receiving relief. Last October, President Trump fulfilled a campaign promise and rolled back the contraceptive mandate, a move cheered by the Little Sisters of the Poor. Not long after, however, a Pennsylvania judge issued a preliminary injunction against the rollback, claiming it “intrudes… into the lives of women.”

And yet, the tide may be turning. On May 15th, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma found in favor of four Christian universities in the state, in a consolidated case known as Southern Nazarene University v. Azar.  Continue reading…