Facebook accused of censorship after cracking down on pro-life LiveAction

WASHINGTON TIMES/ Valerie Richardson-

For years, pro-lifers have insisted that abortion is never medically necessary, arguing that the baby can be delivered preterm — instead of being aborted — in such emergency cases where the pregnant person’s life is threatened, but Facebook disagrees.

Facebook sought over the weekend to restrict access to pages run by LiveAction and its president, Lila Rose, after labeling as “false” and “inaccurate” their claim that abortion is never medically necessary, prompting Ms. Rose to accuse Facebook of censorship and bias.

“This is clear evidence of bias and discrimination against our over three million strong Facebookcommunity members and an outrageous act of censorship on the part of Facebook,” Ms. Rose said in a statement.

Facebook posted a “Science Feedback Fact-Check,” reviewed by two obstetrician-gynecologists, which said that “certain life-threatening conditions during pregnancy can make abortion medically necessary in order to save the mother’s life.” Continue reading…