Christian Volunteers in Hong Kong Stand Between Police and Protesters, Hope to End the Violence


As protests for democratic reform continue to rage on in Hong Kong, Christian volunteers are putting themselves in the line of fire to keep protesters safe.

According to a BBC video titled “Doing God’s Work,” dozens of Hong Kong Christians are volunteering to stand between protesters and police – who have reportedly been aggressively violent toward the protesters.

Led by Good Neighbor North District Church pastor Roy Chan, dozens of Christians head out to protests each day and stand on the front lines of the upheaval.

“As Christians, when we see an unjust situation, we have to go out and guard the children,” Chan told the BBC.

“During this period (of protests), our church started the Protect the Children operation. We wear these yellow vests and fan out to different protest locations. Where there is conflict, we try to meditate, either between citizens and protesters or between protesters and police. Continue reading…