Unpregnant: Classic American road trip – with an abortion

CHRISTIAN POST/ Brittany Smith-

Want to make abortion seem normal? Make a fun, road trip comedy about it.

This is the premise of one of HBO Max’s first films, Unpregnant. The film dropped Sept. 10 and features two Missouri high schoolers on a road trip to Albuquerque, N.M., for an abortion. 

Veronica, played by Haley Lu Richardson, is a straight-A, type-A teenager who finds herself pregnant by her sweet, but dumb boyfriend despite being an obsessive condom user. After some preliminary research online she realizes she can’t get an abortion in Missouri without parental consent. 

The problem is her parents are “ultra-religious” and would never consent. So what’s her Plan B? Convince her estranged childhood best friend, Bailey (Barbie Ferreira), to steal her mom’s car and road trip across multiple state lines to New Mexico – that being the closest state to Missouri that allows abortions without parental consent for those under 18.  Continue reading…