My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell Says Wayfair, Bed Bath and Beyond, Kohl’s Will Stop Selling His Products


MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell and loyal Donald Trump supporter is another victim of cancel culture. Bed Bath & Beyond, Kohl’s, Wayfair are dropping MyPillow products from stores amid backlash after Capitol riots on Jan. 6 and after Dominion Voting Systems threatening legal action against the entrepreneur after making allegations of voter fraud during the 2020 presidential election.

Lindell told CBS News’ Sara Cook Monday, he wants Dominion Voting Systems to sue.

“Please. Because I have all the evidence, 100 percent. I want all the American people and the world to see the horrific things that these (Dominion voting) machines are capable of and what they did to our country and what — they’re allowing other countries to steal our election and just to hijack our election.”

Lindell said the left attacked his company,

“They’ve attacked companies that I’ve worked with. They’re trying to cancel me out,” said Lindell in an interview with Right Side Broadcasting on Jan. 16. “I just got off the phone with Bed Bath & Beyond … They’re dropping MyPillow,” he continued.

“I told them, you guys come back any time you want,” Lindell said in a video released on YouTube. “It’s not their fault that they’re scared.”

The grocery store chain HEB also dropped MyPillow products. Continue reading…