Students Are Told to Chant to Aztec Gods of Human Sacrifice as Part of Calif. Ethnic Studies Curriculum


A new statewide ethnic studies curriculum under consideration by the California Department of Education encourages teachers to lead their students in chants to Aztec gods in what one critic of the curriculum says is a clear refutation of the “Christian god.”

Christopher Rufo, the director of the Discovery Institute’s Center on Wealth & Poverty, criticized the proposed curriculum in a column last week, saying it “advocates for the ‘decolonization’ of American society” and even “elevates Aztec religious symbolism.”

The curriculum, he said, promotes “left-wing political ideology.”

Part of the curriculum spotlights the Aztec gods, Rufo wrote. 

“The curriculum recommends that teachers lead their students in a series of indigenous songs, chants, and affirmations, including the ‘In Lak Ech Affirmation,’ which appeals directly to the Aztec gods,” Rufo wrote.

The Aztecs ruled a large empire in Mexico in the 15th and 16th centuries. Human sacrifice was common in their religion. Continue reading…