Atheists’ ‘National Day of Reason’? Don’t Make Me Laugh!

THE STREAM/ Tom Gelson-

It might have bothered me that a congressman had introduced a resolution again this year for a “National Day of Reason” on May 7. It might have bugged me, too, that the Freedom from Religion Foundation wanted to claim it would “offset” the May 6 National Day of Prayer. It could have, except I read the resolution, and I broke into laughter instead. Seriously, it’s hilarious. I mean, if anything can be “seriously hilarious,” this is it.

So, what’s so funny about atheists trying to stand up to a Day of Prayer, you ask? First answer: It’s their feeble reasoning, stacked up against God’s prayer-answering power. Secular Sam thinks he can swing a sword at a tsunami, and he doesn’t even know how to sharpen it.

Feeble Reasoning?

Sorry, but yes. They’re proving it themselves. Have you seen how the atheist movement has fractured? Follow Mike Gene’s Shadow to Light blog. He chronicles it all, and if you don’t mind hearing about your enemies tearing each other to shreds, it’s pretty entertaining. Most recently it’s top atheist blogger Hemant Mehta attacking the 21st century’s most visible atheist, Richard Dawkins, but that’s just the latest; there’s tons more where that came from.

We Christians have our divisions, but we’ve made it through a thousand years with them. I’ve often said there must be a God; the Church never would have survived her own people otherwise. I’m not joking, either. And yet she thrives, and has also done enormous good through the centuries. We’re talking the power of prayer here. Nothing else could explain it. Continue reading…