Advance warning: October is gay recruitment month

WND/  Scott Lively-

If you thought “Gay Pride Month” (formerly known as June) was bad, brace yourself for another annual “Gay History Month” in public schools throughout October, including “Coming Out Day” on the 11th. June was for planting the seeds of sexual anarchy in the hearts and minds of the children and teens. October is the harvest, when countless American parents discover that the “Q for Questioning” in LGBTQ actually stands for ReQruitment of their children (which is why conservatives should never add Q to the acronym).

The cutting edge of the LGBT agenda is now transsexualism, but the catch-all idea of “gayness” remains the “gateway drug” to childhood self-identification with perversion. All of the “out and proud” LGBT-based identities begin in the mind, often spawned by LGBT propaganda-driven enticement to sexual experimentation and rebellion (highly alluring to all-too-many hormone-inflamed pubescents).

Gay History Month (in the controlled social-engineering environment of today’s public schools) is designed both to sell the false narrative of LGBT political activism as “a noble and historic movement for social justice,” and to define a young person’s personal pursuit of “sexual liberation” through “gayness” as an act of moral courage. This explains the delusional zealotry of “woke” youth since the “gay” 1990s (which for many lasts well into adulthood as a life cause). Continue reading…