Pro-Life Students Sue Catholic University Trying to Force Them to Take COVID Vaccine

LIFE NEWS/ Micaiah Bilger-

Students at St. John’s University in New York are accusing the Catholic school of violating their religious freedom by trying to force them to take a COVID-19 vaccine in a new lawsuit.

The case against St. John’s is one of several religious freedom lawsuits challenging vaccine mandates by employers and schools across the country. For many plaintiffs, the problem is the connections between the vaccines and aborted babies.

The Hill reports the 17 students in the St. John’s case are pro-life Catholics and Jews who object to vaccines that were tested or developed using “aborted fetal tissue or human embryonic stem-cell derivation.”

They want a court to block the university’s vaccine mandate and award them $2.75 million in damages. However, a judge recently refused to temporarily block the mandate while the case moves forward, according to the report.

The university requires students to be vaccinated for COVID-19 to attend classes in person. Continue reading…