Study: Vitamin D reduces COVID-19 death risk by at least 25%

NATURAL NEWS/ Ramon Tomey-

 Supplementing with vitamin D can reduce the risk of dying from Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) infection by at least 25 percent, according to a paper.

The study published Nov. 12 in Scientific Reports involved more than 660,000 veterans availing of medical care under the Department of Veterans Affairs. The researchers gave vitamin D2 to 220,265 participants, while 34,710 received vitamin D3 supplements. Meanwhile, 407,860 participants in the control group were not given any vitamin D supplements at all.

They found that vitamin D2 was associated with a 28 percent decrease in COVID-19 infection and a 25 percent decrease in COVID-19 mortality. Meanwhile, vitamin D3 was linked to a 20 percent reduction in COVID-19 infection and a 33 percent decrease in COVID-19 mortality.

Moreover, the study authors found that veterans receiving higher dosages of vitamin D obtained greater benefits than those receiving lower dosages. “Patients with lower serum levels receiving higher dosages of vitamin D3 experienced the greatest associated reduction in infection,” they noted. “The most substantial dose-response relation was found in patients with the lowest vitamin D serum levels.”

“As a widely available, inexpensive and safe treatment, vitamin D3 could be a helpful tool for reducing the spread of COVID-19 infection and related mortality,” the researchers continued, suggesting that a dosage of 50,000 international units (IU) “may be especially beneficial.”

The pointed out that their findings are especially relevant to the U.S. population, given that about half of Americans are estimated to have sub-optimal vitamin D serum levels. Continue reading…