UPDATED: Democrats’ same-sex ‘marriage’ bill advances again in the Senate

LIFESITE NEWS/ Raymond Wolfe-

Democrats’ bill to codify same-sex “marriage” passed another procedural vote in the Senate on Monday, backed by a handful Republicans who continue to side against the party’s base.

The Senate voted 61-35 to end debate on an amendment to the “Respect for Marriage Act” (RFMA) ostensibly meant to address religious freedom concerns, the Hill reported.

But the amendment, drafted by a coalition of Democrat and liberal Republican senators, has faced widespread, scathing criticism from conservatives for failing to include meaningful protections for organizations that oppose same-sex “marriage.”

Monday’s vote paves the way for a final vote in the Senate, which is scheduled for tomorrow.

The RFMA would make the redefinition of marriage the law of the land, even in the event that the Supreme Court overturns its 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision that mandates legal recognition of same-sex “marriage” nationwide.

The bill would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996, which federally recognized marriage as a union between one man and one woman and the guaranteed the right of states to uphold traditional marriage, and instead would require the federal government and all 50 states to recognize homosexual “marriages” and any other marriages lawfully performed in any state. Continue reading…