Clergy Hold Multi-Faith ‘Climate Repentance’ Ceremony as UN Summit Wraps Up in Egypt

CBN NEWS/ Dale Hurd-

The Pyramids were lit up to welcome world leaders to the UN climate summit in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, in what almost looked like an end of the world trade show, sponsored by Coca-Cola and other big corporations.  

‘COP27’ began as all the other climate summits, with the dire warning that life on Earth would end if climate change isn’t stopped. 

“The clock is ticking,” warned UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, “We are in the fight of our lives and we are losing. Greenhouse gas emissions keep growing, global temperatures keep rising. We are on a highway to climate hell, with our foot still on the accelerator.”

Decades of Failed Climate ‘Prophecies of Doom’ 

One must wonder, however, whether the doomsday rhetoric can be trusted. After all, 50 years ago the UN warned mankind had only “ten years to stop catastrophe.”  Forty years ago, the UN said we have until the year 2000 to prevent the equivalent of a “nuclear holocaust.” And 15 years ago the UN warned that if climate change wasn’t stopped by 2012, “it would be too late.” 

The world has not only failed to end, Co2 emissions are still up more than 50%.  With even the UN now admitting its policies have failed, it plans to throw even more money at the ‘problem.’ Continue reading…