Disney Hemorrhages $900 Million in Box Office Failures, Film Analysis Reveals

FAITHWIRE/ Tré Goins-Phillips-

On the heels of news The Walt Disney Company is working on a German series about a teenage girl who has a rendezvous with the devil, it has come to light the House of Mouse is hemorrhaging cash.

Despite a spate of theatrical releases — including four films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe — one Hollywood analysis shows Disney has suffered revenue losses nearing $900 million. The analyst, Valiant Renegade, said Disney “continues to miss the mark with every studio that they have.”

“Strange World,” which centered on a romantic relationship between two male characters, lost a staggering $197 million at the box office, while “Lightyear,” featuring a kiss between two female characters, lost $106 million at market.

The latest film from Disney, Pixar’s “Elemental,” is the brand’s first movie — geared toward children — to include a “nonbinary” character named Lake Ripple, who represents water in the animated story about the four elements embodied as living beings.

In addition to losing cash at the box office, Valiant Renegade argued Disney is forgoing a significant revenue stream by keeping all its content in-house, meaning that — instead of licensing films and series out to streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime — it’s all sent exclusively to Disney+. Continue reading…