Separation of Church and State is a Two-Way Street


American circus showman P.T. Barnum purportedly said, “There are two kinds of people in the world, con men and suckers. Thank God for the suckers!”

The next time someone cries, “Separation of church and state!” immediately ask, “Do you think it is a one-way or a two-way street? Does it mean only that government may not require religious practice or speech? Or does it also mean that government may not censor religious practice and speech?”

My friends, the Constitution never says everyone has the right to freely exercise their religion except for bakers in Colorado.

The Constitution never says everyone has a right to free speech except for football coaches at public high schools in Washington State.

The Constitution never says everyone has the right to freely exercise their religion except government employees.

Not long ago, Auburn’s head football coach, Hugh Freeze, voluntarily helped baptize about 200 students on the spur of the moment in a lake on campus. Immediately, the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) cried foul.

The phrase, “Freedom from Religion,” tells you everything you need to know about this group. “Freedom from” is merely “newspeak” for censorship. I suspect if Jesus were on a college campus today, they would probably try to “freedom from” him too.

The FFRF pounds the table demanding “Separation of Church and State,” pretending that the U.S. Constitution promotes atheism over religion — a one-way street. Continue reading…