Seattle high schooler fails ‘Gender vs Sex’ quiz for saying men can’t get pregnant: report

PM./ Darian Douraghy-

A left-wing public school history teacher gave a Seattle student a failing grade after he acknowledged that only women have the ability to conceive a child and that only men have penises on a class quiz.

These responses by the student came on a quiz entitled, “Understanding Gender vs. Sex.” Included in the test were numerous true/false statement questions as well as questions with multiple choice responses, KTTH reports. 

The educator’s subject of expertise is teaching “Ethnic Studies World History” to 10th graders at Chief Sealth International High School, which is a part of the Seattle Public Schools system. 

Questions asked on the quiz reportedly included, “When someone uses ‘they/them’ pronouns, what does that mean about their gender identity?,” and “True/false: Transgender people are gay.”

A true/false question on the quiz stated, “Only women can get pregnant.” After the student marked “true” for his response, the teacher penalized him and maintained that the correct answer was actually “false.”

It is the history teacher’s belief, in other words, that men can get pregnant.

A light was shined on this story after the student’s mother contacted the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH to vent her “frustration and anger” about the occurrence. The boy’s mother was “met with silence” after sharing her concerns with the school, per her account of events.

“I keep trying to wrap my head around how it is legal to teach inaccurate information and force students to answer against their beliefs or receive negative scores,” she said on KTTH’s the Jason Rantz Show. She asked for anonymity for fear her son would face retribution. Continue reading…